King Lear

King Lear

Em Cort Theatre

Preço a partir de $ 203.20

Once every decade or so, a great actor comes to Broadway and gives a performance that reminds us why we go to the theater. Last year, that actor was Glenda Jackson in Three Tall Women. This season, “the best actress alive” (The Guardian) is back on Broadway, and she’s climbing the tallest mountain any actor can climb. Glenda Jackson is King Lear.

The Tony® and two-time Academy Award® winner plays Lear for 19 weeks only in an all new production directed by Tony winner Sam Gold (A Doll’s House Part 2, Fun Home), leading a cast that includes Tony winner Jayne Houdyshell (The Humans), Elizabeth Marvel (Other Desert Cities), Aisling O’Sullivan (Raw), Pedro Pascal (Game of Thrones), John Douglas Thompson (Jitney), and Golden Globe winner Ruth Wilson (The Affair).

King Lear will feature an original score by the legendary composer Philip G


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Cort Theatre
138 West 48th Street
New York

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3 hours and 30 minutes


Take the subway to 49 th street.

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