The Other Josh Cohen

The Other Josh Cohen

Em Westside Theatre Downstairs

Preço a partir de $ 41.80

The Other Josh Cohen is a hilarious original musical comedy about good guy Josh Cohen who is caught in a lifetime battle of bad luck.

It asks the question, “Can a nice guy finish first?” A struggling writer with a love life laced with broken hearts, Josh is a fixer-upper with the positive attitude that comes with thinking that life can't possibly get any worse. Aided by an onstage band of actors playing multiple roles, Josh gives us a recount of his romantic and family foibles before a life-changing quirk of fate occurs. With a fun score and a clever book, The Other Josh Cohen is one of those rare rock musicals that trades aggressive sexiness for nice-guy sincerity. In Josh Cohen’s world, losing everything is only the beginning.

The Other Josh Cohen is that precious rarity, an original low-budget musical with a life-affirming message and songs worth remembering...


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Westside Theatre Downstairs
407 W. 43rd Street
New York

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100 minutes, no intermission


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